Steve Lum's Article in Gardening

758 Have a Gorgeous Home Year-Round with a Lawn Care Service
Living in Florida has a lot of perks and one of which is the weather. It does not transform quite like it does in other parts of the country.
Posted on Mar-27-2013

704 Keeping Creepy Crawlies Centipedes Out of Your House
Any way you look at them centipedes look creepy, there is just no getting around that. But did you know there is more to them than just their appearance? If you have a lot of centipedes in your home can mean a real problem that may require the help of a Brevard County pest control expert.
Posted on Mar-14-2013

926 Handling Roof Rats
Roof rats are so named because roofs are their preferred nesting locations. They prefer to build their nests in high locations such as attics and trees, but they will build nests in use areas such as garbage or in woodpiles if necessary.
Posted on Feb-14-2013

1128 Regular Home Termite Inspections Recommended
Termites can create enormous problems for you and your house, or really anytime that they get their teeth on. Termites can chew through a lot of wood and can make the structure of any building unsafe if they are left to their own devices for enough time.
Posted on Jan-30-2013

630 What is Total Pest Control?
The idea of having all sorts of little pests scattered throughout your home not really a very inviting one, but if you are like most people, you probably only deal with pest control and management as problems come up.
Posted on Jan-15-2013

1160 How to Protect Your Home from Florida Pests
Pests can range from a variety of insects to different wild animal species. From termites to hornets, skunks to cockroaches, there are many different types of creatures out there that just might decide to stay in or around your home if conditions are right.
Posted on Dec-28-2012

730 How Pest Control is Going Green
Pest control companiesin the past had to resort to the use of harsh chemicals, poisons, and other various pesticides that were not only dangerous to pests, but also to your pets and to you and your family.
Posted on Dec-19-2012

845 Florida’s Three Types of Destructive Termites
Florida property owners have had fears of the effects of termite infestations for years and for a very good reason. Termites feed on wood and can be very destructive to any structure that has wood in it.
Posted on Dec-04-2012

816 Learn to Spot Bed Bugs
No home is safe from the bed bugs epidemic that is sweeping across the United States. It seems as if every newspaper or magazine you pick up is featuring an article informing the public about bed bugs.
Posted on Nov-20-2012

511 Wasps are Florida’s Most Common Stinging Pest
Wasps are probably one of the most feared pests there is. While bees also sting, but they can do so only once before dying. Ants can bite and their bites can cause painful swelling, but it’s easier to outrun an ant than it is to outrun a wasp.
Posted on Nov-01-2012

990 Do You Know Your Florida Spiders?
There are few animals or bugs that evoke the fear and hatred from people as spiders do.With some Florida spiders, it’s good to keep your distance – some species are venomous and can be harmful. Some are even deadly.
Posted on Oct-02-2012

705 How Well Do You Know Florida Spiders
If all insects, bugs and creepy-crawlers could be arranged in order of their ability to intimidate people, spiders would rank very high, if not number 1, on the list. There are very few animals evoke the fear as muchas these arthropods do.
Posted on Sep-13-2012

983 Why You Should Think About Choosing Green Pest Control
We have electric lawnmowers and hybrid cars. We have solar power, Energy-star certified appliances, and numerous other means of sustainably around us in all facets of our lives.
Posted on Aug-31-2012

1117 Benefits of The Ladybug
It would be safe to say that every American is familiar with the ladybug – its small compact shell which is reminiscent of a Volkswagen Beetle, its cheerful spots that make it one of the few bugs whose image is used in classroom décor.
Posted on Aug-17-2012

628 Green Pest Control Explained
The “green” initiative seems to be everywhere even some pest control companies have gone green by offering green pest control, but what exactly is it?
Posted on Aug-04-2012

677 Prevention is Best To Control Florida Pests
What is the best method for controlling pests? Prevention. The weather is so warm in Florida that bugs and insects can survive year-round – making pest control particularly difficult.
Posted on Jul-27-2012

667 Green Solutions for Your Brevard County Pest Control
Many people’s first thoughts of pest control are of synthetic pesticides and chemicals that can potentially harm the environment, but perhaps even household pets and the residents themselves.
Posted on Jun-21-2012

642 Springtime Pest Control for Your Brevard County Florida Home
Spring to most people means sunshine, blooming trees and flowers and the return of warm weather, but in Florida, it also means the return of bugs and pests.
Posted on Jun-07-2012

677 Is Total Pest Control the Right Choice For You?
If you are like most people, you only think about pest control when you have some type of pest problem, but the reality is that just because you may not see a problem does not mean one that one isn’t there.
Posted on May-22-2012

757 Bed Bugs and Termites Are Striking Fear Into Hearts of Homeowners
There are many different pests in the Brevard County, Florida area however there are two pests that so greatly affect homeownersthat many live in fear that they will become a problem in their home
Posted on Apr-12-2012

729 Mole Control For Your Yard
Mole holes in your yard certainly are not nice to look at when they start appearing in your lawn, but these little, underground critters can also disturb the roots of plants, causing them to die.
Posted on Mar-16-2012

954 How to Choose the Right Lawn Care Service
A nice green, healthy lawn is more than just a pleasure to look at; it can help with natural pest control efforts,increase the curb appeal and value of your home, help to keep the heat from making your home unbearable in the summer, and simply create a much more comfortable, welcome environment for your friends and family.
Posted on Feb-27-2012

500 What you Need to Know About Ticks
The most frequent questions about ticks thatpest control companies are asked is how to identify them. When ticks are found after they have bitten someone or something, they can appear quite different than what they would when lying on the ground.
Posted on Jan-31-2012

483 Green Pest Control Helps Keep Your Home andYard Healthy and Pest-Free
Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease; in the 1980 and 1990s, termite and pest control professionals used Propoxur to eliminate bedbugs
Posted on Jan-04-2012

508 Autumn Lawn Care Tips To Use Now
As the calendar says, fall has arrived. However, that does not mean your lawn care routine can fall by the wayside in Florida.
Posted on Dec-20-2011